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Moding Merubah text di tampilan Menu s60v3

Moding Merubah text di tampilan Menu s60v3
Trik moding merubah text di tampilan menu s60v3 dengan logo atau text yang kita inginkan

sebelum di moding

Sesudah di moding

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sudah punya lewatkan saja

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kalau sudah punya lewatkan saja

symb-x kalau sudah punya lewatkan saja

Karena semua aplikasi diatas berbasis pyton, jadi wajib instal python.
untuk aplikasi python, bisa di download Di sini

Proses modingnya
cari dan copy file Menu2.rxxx dari drive Rom Z:/Resousce/app ke drive E:

rxxx adalah angka kode bahasa telepon yang kamu pake, berhubung hape aku pake bahasa indonesia, jadi kode nya Menu2.r327

Hilangkan centang atribut Read-Only di file yang kamu copy tadi, caranya tekan angka 6 di tombol alfa numerik, buat yg tombol Qwerty tekan tombol T.
Hilangkan centang atribut Read-Only nya.

Untuk mengeditnya,
buka aplikasi mobilehex, karena aplikasi mobilehexnya masih berbahasa rusia, ubah bahasanya, dengan menekan tombol softkey kiri. Ubah bahasa Language ru. Exit dari mobilehex,

buka lagi aplikasinya, tekan tombol softkey kiri, openfile, cari file Menu2.r327 yang tadi ada di drive E:

dan tampilannya akan seperti gambar di bawah.

Tekan angka 5 untuk membuka text yg mau kita edit.
Dan tampilannya akan seperti gambar dibawah ini

edit kata Menu,Pilihan,Buka,Keluar dan Kembali. dengan menekan tombol tengah (ok)

buka aplikasi symb-x copy logo yang kita inginkan, terus pastekan di text yg mau di edit.

Setelah selesai mengeditnya, keluar saja dari aplikasi mobilehex, karena aplikasi mobilehex akan mengsave otomatis.

Pindahkan file Menu2.r327 ke drive C:/Resource/app

buka rompatcer+ aply c2z
terus keluar dari menu,

dengan menekan tombol softkey kiri, pilih keluar
seperti gambar di bawah

buka lagi menunya dan hasilnya akan seperti gambar ini

bonus patc untuk merubah nama aplikasi di menu

semoga bermanfaat :)
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[2014-04-12 08:16] fazil :

plz write in english...thank u

[2015-03-22 08:28] Rrvrplpc6L :

I actually found this more enrietatning than James Joyce.

[2015-03-22 03:53] eVViv55on9 :

You guys chill the fk out. If hes the one doing the job, do not tell him to hurry up or demand a rsaleee date. You morons are so fking retarded its unreal. You really think he wants to keep releasing his packages to a bunch of pricks? I wouldnt. You 90% of you guys could kiss his ass for all I care. I hope he never rsaleees his 0225 firmware revision. I have an 0225 flashed xbox already. If you dont, thats your problem not his you fking leechers. Go fk yourselves, then go get a life, then learn how to do it yourselves ck suckers. Now shut the fk up and let the man work. You wanna get banned? If so I am sure he would gladly rsaleee his work without further testing to the world. I swear the world is fking stupid and it only gets worse huh? C4Eva, fk these ppl yo. Make them pay for a rsaleee or put your custom firmware on the X360USB Pro or the Lizard. Then they have to buy it. simple as that. So, keep bitching ppl. You really think it gets you somewhere? All it does is piss off the man in charge of this campaign. Again, to you ck suckers that just can't wait for some reason, quit pirating, quit playing, you do not deserve to be on this site or own an xbox . sorry fkers.

[2015-03-25 10:24] CD320koN5 :

Hey guys, I've Hey guys, I've found a completley free and legit way to get free MICROSOFT POINTS by <a href="http://ebmykcd.com">genittg</a> an iphone/android app called junowalllet . YOU BASICALLY EARN VITUAL CASH until you have enough to spend it on microsoft points, psn points or itunes vouchers this app is free and legal PLUS When you first get the app it will ask you to type in a code if you type in this code: KJ736181, you start of with 25 cents. This may not sound like alot but you will understand when you start. Was this answer helpful?

[2016-03-12 20:58] Ogiyyogs :

mobile hx . Sama symbx ny gak bisa di buka gan . Mohon bantuan ny .http://ogiyyogs.mywapblog.com

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